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3 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

Cat Sitting on Windowsill

3 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

Did you know that your fur friend could be causing your HVAC system to overwork? Fortunately, there are measures you can adopt to keep your HVAC unit working efficiently. Below, we will discuss some HVAC maintenance tips for pet owners in Wheat Ridge, CO.

1. Replace Your Air Filter Often

An air filter helps the HVAC system to circulate clean air into your living space, thus protecting your family from irritations associated with poor indoor air quality. The filter catches contaminants in the indoor air when the air enters the system for heating or cooling.

When your pets shake or scratch themselves, they release pet dander and fur into your indoor airspace. These pollutants accumulate on your filter and, if not changed often enough, prevent the HVAC system from drawing enough air from your living space. Consequently, the system works overtime to draw sufficient air.

Working overtime causes the HVAC system’s components to wear out more quickly. Therefore, request a technician to replace your air filter often to allow your HVAC system to draw air easily from your living space.

2. Protect the Outdoor Unit

Air conditioners and heat pumps have an outdoor component called a condenser. These systems use this component to release heat from your house to the environment. If you have a heat pump, this component also absorbs heat from the environment when you need the heat pump to warm your home.

This unit requires unobstructed airflow to function efficiently. When pets are outside, their dander and fur can clog this unit, thus interfering with its ability to dispose of or absorb heat. Consider erecting a fence around the condenser unit to prevent pets from rubbing against or urinating on it.

3. Schedule Maintenance Services

Like any machine, your HVAC system needs regular maintenance. Maintenance services help unblock any parts that dander and fur have clogged. The technician also inspects every component to ensure all parts are working efficiently.

Taking good care of your system increases its life and enables it to regulate indoor temperatures efficiently. Contact Apple Aire Heating & Cooling when you need outstanding heating services. Our technicians have the knowledge, equipment, and experience to repair your HVAC system.

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