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3 Signs You Need a New Furnace Installation


3 Signs You Need a New Furnace Installation

When the winter season approaches, your house becomes cold, and you’ll need your furnace to heat your home. To make your home cozy and warm during the winter season, you need to ensure your furnace is in good working condition. Here are some of the signs that you need a new furnace installation in Brighton, CO:

The Furnace is Old

Like any other machine, furnaces undergo wear and tear, and after serving you for many years, they eventually become ineffective. The average lifespan of a furnace is 15 years when you maintain and service it regularly. If your furnace has been working for 15 years or longer, it would be best if you get a new system.

Rising Energy Bills

Heating systems take up a significant percentage of the energy bills in your home. However, after using your furnace for a while, you should have a rough idea of how much the energy bills costs.

When you notice an abnormal rise in energy bills, it might be an indicator of a problem with the furnace. Increased bills indicate the furnace has become less efficient, and to increase heating efficiency, you’ll need to replace your heater.

Frequent Furnace Repairs

For any system, you’ll have to schedule repairs once in a while. But when the repairs become too much, you need to reconsider it. Furnace system repairs are costly, and when they’re too frequent, it might indicate that your system is no longer working as expected. When your furnace keeps breaking down, it’s the right time for you to get a new heating system.

Furnaces are expensive, and no one wants to think about the costs of replacing theirs. However, some signs are indicators that your furnace is old and you need a new one. For furnace installation, repair and maintenance services in Brighton, CO, don’t hesitate to contact Apple Aire Heating & Cooling today.

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